Rodella Onoranze Funebri - Commemorazioni


Even a few words in difficult moments can give great comfort.

A letter of condolence or even a simple message can offer comfort to the relatives of the departed person, expressing closeness and affection in a delicate moment.

Nature gives us a short life...

Nature gives us a short life, but the memory of a life well spent is eternal.

We must learn to make our own peace with those who have left us. This is one of life’s great lessons. If there were words that could console you, we would say them from the bottom of our heart to soothe your pain.

Life is an alternation of happiness and sorrow. The loss of a loved one leaves a memory in us that gives us the strength to continue in life.

Death does not completely take our loved one away, his work goes on and this helps us to continue.

Our heart opens to welcome your sadness and give you the strength to overcome it.

Faced with death veiled in mystery, in vain we ask ourselves “Why?” A voice tells us: Hope and a goodbye keep the faith.

The memory of the people who have been dear to us will live forever in our hearts: stronger than any hug, more important than any words.